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Do We All Worship The Same God?
Do all religions worship the same God? What does the Bible say concerning this matter? In this article, Dr. Glenn Jago addresses this topic clearly and concisely.
Eclipsing The Word of God
An ample amount of information is circulating on the internet concerning the eclipse of April 8, 2024. In this article, Dr. Glenn Jago focuses us back on what Christians need to focus on and unpacking some of the confusion surrounding the eclipse and the “Sign of Jonah.”
• The Eclipse of Truth: This article warns about the danger of losing the knowledge of God's word and the need to trust in Jesus Christ.
• The Sign of Jonah: Jesus used the story of Jonah as a sign of his death and resurrection and how the people who rejected him will face judgment.
• The Priority of Making Disciples: The article urges the readers to focus on the central message of Christianity, the gospel of Christ, and obey his command to make disciples of all nations.
Understanding Freewill
We often hear the term “freewill” but what does it mean? This article addresses this concept and sheds light on how we should view “the will” and how it applies to human freedom.
What Does Romans 9:13 Mean? Does God Hate People?
What does Romans 9:13 mean where it talks about God loves Jacob, but hates Esau? Does this mean what it looks like it means? How are Christians to understand this passage, and what does it mean for us?
The crisis of faith deconstruction: The article explains how many Christians are questioning and abandoning their traditional beliefs due to the influence of secular culture and false teachers